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a Lighthouse
a Refuge
a Launching Pad
Running to the heart of Jesus together.
"All In" Sunday
February 16

Please make plans to join our “All In” Sunday on February 16,
a special worship service where our church family will have the opportunity
to give or pledge financial support towards the next phase of the Nehemiah Project.
Yes, in the way of Your judgments,
O Lord, we have waited for You;
The desire of our soul is for Your name
And for the remembrance of You.
Isaiah 26:8

A Message
from Pastor Rob
Upcoming Events
- Don’t miss EMBER, an inspiring student conference where middle school and high school groups from across the area will gather for worship, fellowship, and meaningful discipleship. Feb. 14-15
- Bring your family and join us on Sunday evening, February 23, at 6:00 PM.

Our Mission
GROW in our Relationship with Christ
SHOW the Love of Christ in our Community
GO Into All the World

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